Vic’s Diary days 18 – 21

Gosh this picture takes me back.  That’s Dialysis Dave next to me, a wonderful machine that cleaned my blood via the spikes in my neck.  This was still pretty early on in my stay at Finedon as I was in hospital jammies still.  You can see my sippy cup with a straw on the right on my table, and I still had my bed bars up to stop me falling out.

I promised Vic’s diary would continue but it’s been very hectic lately with trying to complete more hours at work, walk dogs around the block with my rolator, build muscle strength and stamina mentally.  I’ve been an emotional wreck and keep crying all the time, but that’s because recovery is a bit like PTSD.  My anxiety is off the scale but my hair is growing back nicely.

We had Carrie’s FUNeral this week, we were all in our PJs, Mum and Dad included although they were accosted upon arrival at the crematorium as it, to the casual observer, was a pair of OAPs wandering around in PJs, dressing gowns and slippers….luckily about another 200 people soon arrived and we gave our fanny a wonderful send off, my head flange xxx


Tuesday 1st March

You got some sleep thank goodness.  Hopefully that will give you an energy boost.

The rash has got worse and is now making you sick. You had to have an injection overnight to stop it.

You try to eat a jacket potato for lunch.  You must be starving after only having wallpaper paste and a bit of ice cream for so long.

Your rash is an allergic reaction to one of the meds that you were given – bloody typical!  You think they’d be more careful.

You also took 6 steps with a zimmer frame and sat up in a chair.  It sounds like such small achievements but considering where we’ve come from, we’re over the moon with your progress.

I get to visit you for a little while but can’t believe how angry your rash is – you poor thing.

(My rash was so bad, it looked like I had very bad sun burn, and everyone said “you could fry an egg on those arms!”  I said “you should see my tits!!”.  It was literally all over and I soon began shedding skin like a snake.  Poor Adam, when he washed me I blocked the drain with all my skin falling off).


Wednesday 2nd March

You’ve finally had a decent amount of sleep and are sleeping for the first time when mum makes her morning call.

You get to meet with your consultant and finally find out how ill you’ve been which comes as a bit of a shock to you.  I don’t think that you realised that we were told you would not survive the night when you came in.  We’re so glad you’re improving.


Thursday 3rd March

You walk to the end of the ward today with your frame – YAY!

You’ve had a shower, eaten a bit more and are finally off the oxygen!

The man who was in the bed next to you in ITU has been moved on to your ward.  You give him a pep talk about taking care of himself – so funny hearing you talk like that!

It’s world book day tomorrow and I have to bring in a photo of reading a book in an unusual place.  You’re the perfect guinea pig!


Friday 4th March

Matt’s been really grumpy today.  It turns out that he has been worrying himself silly about how ill you are (Matt is one of my nephews).  He’s been coughing all week so was worried that his germs would make you more poorly.

We’ve reassured him that he won’t but it will do him good to see that you are on the mend.

Mum reports that you’ve had a good day – better than me anyway.  Dressing as Smee from Peter Pan is not a good look!



Will write more soon, got to go to my niece’s 5th birthday party and Adam is rushing me to hurry up.  I don’t know, you think he’d be cutting me some slack still eh!!??  How much longer can I milk this….  😉

Still here, still getting better,

Speak soon,
D xx



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