Vic’s Diary day 22 until I run out of steam

Saturday 5th March

Can’t believe the difference in you today!

You’ve got friends visiting with their children and it’s really boosted you up.  Matt feels better now he’s seen you looking so different.  He’s very cuddly but James is a bit more stand offish – no change there then!

We leave fairly early as you’re tired but Mum says you rallied later.  She keeps us updated on your peeing habits.  Gross but so glad that your kidneys are starting to work more efficiently.

Sunday 6th March

It’s Mother’s Day and Mum got the perfect present – you’re here and making a good recover!

She says that you were very tired and subdued today.  We think it’s finally hitting you what a journey you’ve been on (it hadn’t, I was just tired).

Monday 7th March 2016

Quiet day but still making good progress.  Think you’re getting fed up with the lack of privacy though.  (I wasn’t, I was just still tired…)

Tuesday 8th March 2016

You’ve had a fantastic day!

Walking without a frame and you’ve even managed the stairs!!  Go Speedy!!

Wednesday 9th March 2016

You’ve had another good night.

Mum says that the hospital are even talking about you coming home!

They’ve mentioned this weekend which makes us nervous (scared the shit out of me!!) because we’re only just used to you being conscious.  You’ve made such fantastic progress.

Thursday 10th March 2016

Dialysis really knocked you for six as you’ve had to do 4 hours worth.

You were supposed to have an ultrasound today (I think this was for my lungs or my kidneys) but in true sods law fashion you were on dialysis when they came to get you.

Friday 11th March 2016

You’ve had your ultrasound but no results yet.

Good nights sleep though which is good.

Already stocking up on magazines to keep you occupied.

Saturday 12th March 2016

We get to visit you again and are amazed to see how well you look.

Your potassium levels are concerning the doctors though as they are raised.  Explains why you have been so tired.

Poor you – you’ve gone from a soft diet to a totally restricted one! (a vegetarian, soft, low potassium diet consists of mainly egg sandwiches, jelly and ice cream!!).

We do manage to sneak you off the ward for a coffee though. (my first trip off the ward!!).  You don’t seem to enjoy it though so we worry we’ve upset you.

Sunday 13th March 2016

Apparently you were worrying about the skin peeling off your hands when we took you off the ward.  So sorry for making you feel self conscious.  (After my massive allergic reaction to Meropenem, my skin went bright red and peeled, it was like 3rd degree burns and my skin peeled off me like a banana, it blocked the shower sink when Adam would wash me and I literally was shedding my skin like a snake.  The skin beneath was so tender and raw my nerves were in overdrive).

We’re so grateful that you’re with us we don’t see the things that you think are still wrong with you.

I’ve sent you some gloves to help moisturise your skin so you don’t need to be embarrassed.

Can’t believe that you’ve now been in hospital for a month.

Monday 14th March 2016

You only woke once in the night which is fantastic news.  Hopefully you’ll be less nervous about going to sleep.

The doctors are talking again about you coming home.

All the lines are removed which must be a huge relief.  (my central lines were bloody horrible to remove and I had to lie deadly still for 90 minutes or I’d bleed to death probably!!).  You’re looking much more like your old self.

Apparently you had to hold your breath for a minute whilst they did it (adam nearly threw up they were so long in my neck!!).  Not bad for someone who was so poorly so recently.

Tuesday 15th March 2016

You’re still on schedule to come home tomorrow and we can’t wait.

Wednesday 16th March 2016

You’re home!!!

I do demand photographic proof though – sorry!

We’re all a bit shell shocked.  To go from being a 0% chance of recovery to this is just incredible.  We all told the doctors that they didn’t know what they were dealing with and you proved them wrong.  (got choked up writing this bit, thanks Mum for dictating this to me, can’t imagine how hard this was for you all).

You’re a survivor and we’re so grateful for you.

All our love always xx


Well, that’s  all folks from  Vic’s diary, hope it’s been good reading for you!!  I’m progressing well, am back to work part time, driving, my emotions are getting better and I still don’t realise how poorly I was….  at least I do now know I’m not dead!!  You may laugh but I was convinced I was dead for about a month…..

Later this month I will be staying away from home with work on my own, a quite literally terrifying thought, especially as if it wasn’t for Mum and Adam checking on me when I was ill, I’d not be here to write this.  Still, I must get back to normal and this is all part of my journey.


Speak soon,

Still here

Debs xxx






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